Marriage and Divorce

The Bible makes it clear that once a man and a woman have consummated their marriage they have become one flesh (Mark 10:7-8).

The man and the woman are bound to each other by the law as long as they live (Romans 7:2) but if one of the members of the marriage dies, the other can go out and marry again (Romans 7:2). However if this is a woman, she must marry a man in the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:39). A man is not to divorce his wife and neither should a wife divorce her husband. If the wife goes out and has sex with another man, she shall be called an adulteress (Romans 7:3).

If there is a situation that the woman is going through and she needs to get away from her husband, this is allowed, however she must not get with or marry another man. She is only allowed to separate from her husband, not divorce him (1 Corinthians 7:10-11).

11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.

According to God's Word, the wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives (1 Corinthians 7:39).

With that being said, it is important to know the stages of marriage.

There is the espousal stage (also called betrothal), and then there is the consummated stage when the marriage is official by both the man and woman having sex. If a man has a wife in the espousal stage and at the consummation stage finds that she has fornicated before the marriage consummation (Matthew 19:9) he can put her away and write her a bill of divorce.

That is the only case this is allowed.

Matthew 1:18-21 shows this:

At this point when Mary was pregnant with Jesus Christ, Mary was Joseph's espoused wife (Matthew 1:18). Joseph was also considered Mary's husband while she was espoused to him (Matthew 1:19). However, Joseph assumed that because she was pregnant, she had committed fornication before their marriage was consummated. In any other case, he would have been correct, but Mary was with child of the Holy Ghost (Matthew 1:20). Joseph wanted to divorce Mary privately rather than Mary being judged according to the law of Moses.

But after the angel of the Lord explained the situation to him, of course none of that happened.

If a man puts away his wife for any other reason and goes and marries another woman, he is an adulterer. Also, if his wife goes and marries another man, that man that married her is an adulterer while she is an adulteress. She is still her first husband's wife.